You must get familiar with the different types of fake pregnant bellies.

In the 21st century, everything has become possible because of the technology various amazing inventions. And you can look like a pregnant lady without getting pregnant. This is not a rumor as this has become possible by the introduction of the fake pregnant belly. These are the type of artificial bellies which are made from the silicon materials. These silicon bellies can give you a real like experience of the pregnant lady because they are designed in that manner. There is a very huge market for these pregnant silicon bellies, and all the bellies have their own specifications

 You can get the right one according to your suitability, but make sure that you have chosen the belly, which is manufactured from the non-allergic material that is not harmful to your skin as you might have to wear it for the long hours.

These are the massive range o bellies that you can choose from.

Trimester 1

This is one of the most popular types of fake pregnant belly available in the market. This is mainly purchased by the women who want to the appearance of a pregnant lady of 1-12 weeks. It is available at a very low price, which can be affordable by the very individual. The best part of this belly is that it is very light in weight as it is just of 1.5 kg, which can be held by anyone and can be purchased easily just by click here

Trimester 2

This is the other type of fake pregnant belly that you can buy for yourself from this website. This type of fake pregnant belly is mainly preferred by the individual who wants the pregnancy for the four months up to the six months, it has a very high demand for the women who are in the field of the acting, and the impressive feature of this belly is its price range. You can easily only this fake belly at the price of 250 dollars.


This fake pregnant belly is new of its kind in the market. It is purchased by the few of the people because of its huge size. The fake pregnant belly offers you the belly, which has the ability to give the real like the shape of the twins in your womb. It’s rare features make it one of the most expensive types of fake silicon belly among the several bellies available on the internet. There are a different number of sizes available ad you can choose the suitable one according to your requirements.


You would surely not have heard about this kind silicon belly available in the range of the fake pregnant belly in the market. These types of bellies are mainly preferred by the people who want to display their products in the stores. It is one of the most expensive belly that you can buy and it is quite heavy as compared to the all bellies available in the market as its overall weight is more than 5 kilograms.

