With the passage of the Medicare Access and CHIP Reauthorization Act (MACRA) in 2015, millions of Americans now have access to quality, affordable healthcare through the Medicare Advantage program. In addition to providing coverage for basic medical needs such as doctor visits and hospital stays, Medicare Advantage plans also provide additional benefits, including prescription drug coverage, vision care, and hearing aids. As we move into 2023, let’s take a closer look at some of these benefits and how they can help you get the most out of your Medicare Advantage 2023.
Prescription Drug Coverage
Medicare Advantage plans offer comprehensive prescription drug coverage. This means that you don’t have to worry about paying out-of-pocket for expensive medications or going without them altogether. Most plans include an extensive list of drugs that are covered at no extra cost and some even provide coverage for generic versions of brand-name drugs. Plus, with many plans offering mail order services, you can conveniently order your prescriptions from home – saving time and money.
Vision Care
Another benefit offered by Medicare Advantage plans is vision care. Plans typically cover routine eye exams and may also offer discounts on eyeglasses or contact lenses as well as discounts on laser vision correction surgery. Vision benefits vary by plan so it’s important to check with your provider for details on what is covered under your specific plan.
Hearing Aids
Hearing loss is a common issue among seniors but luckily, this issue can be addressed with hearing aids – which are often covered by Medicare Advantage plans. Plans typically cover one set of hearing aids every three years with a copayment or coinsurance depending on the plan type chosen. Hearing aids not only help improve communication but also reduce strain on relationships due to misunderstandings caused by mishearing conversations or instructions from physicians or caregivers.
Furthermore, hearing aids can reduce the risk of falls by helping seniors hear noises that might alert them to potential dangers.
In addition to providing financial coverage for hearing aids, Medicare Advantage plans also provide additional benefits that may be beneficial to seniors with hearing loss. These include discounts on alternative communication services such as video conferencing or telephone interpretation services, as well as access to hearing aid specialists and audiologists. In addition, many plans offer services such as assistive listening devices and educational resources on how to best use and care for hearing aids.
The benefits offered through Medicare Advantage 2023 are vast and varied – from prescription drug coverage to vision care to hearing aid assistance – all designed to make sure that seniors have access to quality healthcare without breaking their budgets. If you are looking for more comprehensive health coverage than what traditional Medicare offers, then considering a Medicare Advantage plan could be a great option for you in 2023! When researching your options it’s important to carefully compare each plan since they vary in terms of cost and benefits offered so that you can find one that best meets your individual needs while still staying within budget. With these tips in mind we wish you luck in finding an excellent health plan in 2023!